Adventure to Thrive Program
What is the Adventure to Thrive Program
Adventure to Thrive is an embodied experiential journey for primary school students (and their teachers), that takes place within and between participants as much as it does in your school and in the great outdoors.
The program provides multiple opportunities over 8 weeks for students to practice using the skills that help us all navigate life’s challenges with courage, compassion, humour and good company.
Rather than waiting for our young people to experience relational or event trauma, and address their survival retroactively, the program is designed to empower our next generation proactively, and foster the ability to meet life together with confidence.
What are the session intentions?
Week 1 | Creating the Avatar
We discover connection to Self and others through creative art processes and reflective discussions.
Week 2 | Setting up Basecamp
We establish a shared understanding of safety as a foundation for development and growth.
Week 3 | A Nervy Walk
We get to know how our nervous system works in a way that empowers us; building on our capacity for compassion and challenge.
Week 4 | Mapping Emotions
Building emotional vocabulary through exploring sensations, feelings and emotions.
Week 5 | Packing the Backpack
An exploration of how we can resource ourselves to be adaptable in times of uncertainty and change.
Week 6 | Choose your own Adventure
Through embodied experiences we have the opportunity to integrate prior learned skills, and deepen our understanding, by exploring strategies to calm the autonomic nervous system in an outdoor adventure.
Week 7 | Dealing with the Challenge
We explore the difference between real and perceived threat. By using strategies to calm our nervous system we practice moving from a survival response to a place of safety and connection.
Week 8 | Creating your own Path
Bringing compassion to learning: Through fun and playful activities we explore the opportunity to celebrate diversity and create confidence in one another through relationship. Relating well: one of our most powerful resources as human beings.
How to access the Adventure to Thrive Program
For more information or to request a proposal for your school, please contact (08) 8232 2438 or via email at